If you have ever considered joining, April is a great month to take advantage of these lowered rates and enjoy all the perks that a paid membership can offer!!
Individual Supporting Membership
ICAN’s quarterly newsletter, The Clarion (emailed)
10% discount at ICAN Store
Discount to ICAN’s Conference
Free/discounted webinars
15% discount to Lamaze’s online VBAC class – VBAC: Informed and Ready
Childbearing 5 Year Membership
Same as Supporting Membership, 5 Year Length
Special recognition in The Clarion
Childbearing 10 Year Membership
Same as the Childbearing 5 Year Membership, 10 Year Length
$25 gift certificate to the ICAN Store
Lifetime Membership ($500)
Same as the Childbearing 10 Year Membership, no expiration
There are discounts for Professional Memberships as well! Simply click here, and make sure you select North Florida as your chapter.
As always, thank you for your support.